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Insights, Challenges and Prospects in the eIDAS 2.0 and Quantum Cryptography Era

Insights, Challenges and Prospects in the eIDAS 2.0 and Quantum Cryptography Era main image

ADACOM recently hosted a successful event at Ploes Floating Venue on June 25, with the support of Ascertia and DigiCert.  
The event, titled "Insights, Challenges and Prospects in the eIDAS 2.0 and Quantum Cryptography Era," brought together esteemed executives from Greece, Cyprus, Thessaloniki, Estonia, England and America. 

The event featured notable highlights, including presentations by industry experts: 
🔹 Nikolaos Soumelidis delivered insights on audit, certification, and supervision in the era of eIDAS 2.0  
🔹 Geoff Bartlett's presented on how organizations can leverage high trust remote signing  
🔹 Avesta Hojjati shared valuable information on preparing for future threats, specifically focusing on the strategic roadmap for preparing against quantum threats  
🔹 Jakov Pronin presented an interesting case study on DigiSigning - digital signing of documents 
🔹 Maria Kalli elaborated on unleashing the power of trust services in Cyprus 
Additionally, the event featured an engaging panel discussion moderated by Dimitris Mallas. The discussion covered topics such as the EUDI wallet, ADACOM's role in the implementation of eIDAS and eID projects, and the new trust services, offering diverse and valuable viewpoints. 

We extend our sincere thanks to Antonios Stasis, Kyriaki Pantziarou, Vassilis Kaloudis, Avesta Hojjati, Nikolaos Soumelidis, and Kostas Noussias for their invaluable contribution to the panel. 
We express our gratitude to all participants for contributing to the success of this event. Thank you all!